Mannerism, Baroque, Rococo.

Seminar für Doktorierende (064-0004-21)
Veranstalter: Professur Delbeke, Doctoral Program
Dozierende: M. Delbeke
Zeit: Donnerstag 16:00-18:00

25.02 Maarten Delbeke
11.03 Cammy Brothers
18.03 Sara Galletti
30.03 Andrew Leach
15.04 Evonne Levy
22.04 Giuseppe Bonaccorso
29.04 Ünver Rüstem
06.05 Carl Magnusson
20.05 Ute Engel
27.05 Caroline van Eck

Course Syllabus and Schedule. 


25.02 - Maarten Delbeke, Introduction: Victor Hugo and Belgian Mannerism, Baroque and Rococo. 
Stefaan Grieten and Krista De Jonge, "The discovery of a monument of the 'Liège Renaissance': the doorway of the residence of Erard de la Marck in Antwerp." 
Krista de Jonge, "Columns and Pillars, Antique and Modern. Notes on Netherlandish Formal Inventions of the Early Sixteenth Century." 

04.03 - Preparatory session

11.03 - Cammy Brothers, “The Renaissance Reception of the Alhambra: The Letters of Andrea Navagero and the Palace of Charles V.” 

18.03 - Sara Galletti, “Female Agency and Early Modern Urbanism: The Paris of Maria de’ Medici.” 

30.03 - Andrew Leach, “The Future of the Baroque, c. 1945.” 

15.04 - Evonne Levy, “Baroque and the Political Language of Formalism (1845 - 1945): Burckhardt, Wölfflin, Gurlitt, Brinckmann, Sedlmayr.” 

22.04 - Giuseppe Bonaccorso, “Unclassical forms of late Roman architecture and the Roman Baroque: Francesco Borromini and the new classical tradition.” 

29.04 - Ünver Rüstem, “Ottoman Baroque: The Architectural Refashioning of Eighteenth-Century Istanbul.” 
Additional reading: Ünver Rüstem, “Ottoman Baroque" (from Oxford Handbook) .

06.05 - Carl Magnusson, “Le rococo est-il décoratif?” 

20.05 - Ute Engel, “Stil und Nation: Barockforschung und deutsche Kunstgeschichte.” 

27.05 - Caroline van Eck, “Piranesi and his Museum. The Restoration of Antiquity and the Genesis of the Empire Style in a Globalizing World.” 

03.06 - Conclusion.